Entanglement (with ANNEX)

Irish Pavilion, 17th Architecture Venice Biennale
May 22 - November 21 2021 

Curatorial Team: ANNEX (Anderson, Butler, Capener, Lally, Lyster + McDermott)
Commissioner:The Arts Council and Culture Ireland.

The pavilion registers the material footprints of data infrastructure filtered through the Irish context. In 1858 the first transatlantic telegraph cable landed in Valentia Island on Ireland’s SW coast and today Dublin is a global hub for data storage. The structure assembled in a bonfire configuration comprises stacked tiers of server racks infilled with tech equipment (cables, screens, fans, lights) and artifacts (seats, stone, plants)while 16 screens display real-time thermographic imaging technologies alongside fans generating cool air. Together these communicate that the cloud is not an ethereal and abstract space but has distinct physical and environmental footprints that compel us to re-evaluate the utopian fantasy of digital communication and to reflect on how we live together through data infrastructure, today and into the future 

ANNEX is a collaboration of artists, architects, and urban researchers who came together to curate the Irish Pavilion in Venice in 2021. Members include Sven Anderson, Alan Butler, David Capener, Donal Lally, Clare Lyster and Fiona McDermott.


Clare Lyster Urbanism and Architecture (CLUAA) 2023 — Chicago, Illinois