Inside, Outside and In Between
Proposal for the Ragdale Ring, 2018
Team: Clare Lyster, John Leano and Robert Magruder
A continuous fencemade from colored PVC rope is strung and woven between the existing trees on the site, as well as new supports as required, and encloses a performance space for 300 as well as small niche-like spaces for more intimate performance, picnics or resting. It tapers to provide a visible entrance from parking and pathways and offers shelter and privacy from the road. The mainstage is covered and integrated into the entwined structure. Spiral rope mats made from the same material as the fence provide resting areas and picnic surfaces for the public as well as staff and artists at the foundation. The public bring blankets and chairs to each performance or sit on the rope rugs. In summer the tree canopy provides a natural ceiling to the niches. Together these elements combine for an atmosphere of being indoor (enclosed within the folds of the fence/curtain) and outdoor (in a garden) at the same time.